Registration and Costs for History Bee and Bowl Regional Events – In-Person Events (Updated 9/7/24)

Note: These policies are also in effect for the National Academic Bee & Bowl Competitions running in K-8 Grade. For any other questions pertaining to registration matters, contact

Preregistration prices (at least 8 days ahead of the event) for the 2024-2025 academic year are:

Buzzer-based Events ($10 discount for bringing a buzzer system (only applicable to Bowl registrations)
$99 – National History Bowl team of 3-6 students
$79 – National History Bowl team of 2 students
$59 – National History Bowl team of 1 student
$49 – National History Bee student ($20 discount if playing on a History Bowl team)

National Qualifying Exams ($20 per exam)
US History Bee
National Political Science Bee
US Geography Championships & National Geography Bee
National Science Bee

Please note that registration and participation in International Academic Competitions implies the acceptance of the following policies, especially the updates for 2024-2025 listed below! In particular, please note our policy on preregistrations, cancellations and reader requirements!

Prior Registration

Prior registration for the Bowl is REQUIRED. Registration for the Bowl will not be accepted via email or any other means; all Bowl teams must register online. The National History Bee and the four National Qualifying Exams still do not require advance registration (though recommended) and have no cancellation fees. Preregistration by credit card includes a 4% online processing fee.

Late Bowl Registration

Registrations for History Bowl teams (regardless of team size) are subject to an additional $15 per team penalty if made after 11:59pm Eastern time 8 days in advance of a tournament (i.e. to avoid this penalty, you need to register by 11:59pm Eastern time by the second Friday before a Saturday tournament).

Very Late Bowl Registration

All Bowl registrations fewer than 5 days in advance (i.e. after 11:59pm Eastern time on the Monday before a Saturday tournament) are subject to an additional $25 per team penalty and are only allowed by emailing the Tournament Coordinator for the tournament and seeing if it is still possible. At this point, registration is no longer guaranteed.

Team Cancellation

There is also a $40 fee, regardless of team size, for not bringing a registered team if the cancellation occurs after 11:59pm Eastern time 5 days in advance (i.e. at that time on the Monday of the week before a Saturday tournament); if this means a team no longer can attend, the fee must be paid prior to the next IAC event they do attend.

Team Size

There is no penalty for dropping in team size (e.g. from 3 students @ $99 to 2 students @ $79) at any point.

Reader Requirements

Schools are required to bring at least one coach/parent/other adult in order to read and keep score or pay a $99 penalty fee. If you do not indicate this when you sign up, and we only find out about it on the day of the tournament, or if you drop your reader within 5 days in advance, there is an additional $50 penalty on top of this per missing reader!

These penalty fees are used to then go hire additional readers for the tournament. Schools must bring one reader for every one or two teams they bring, with a minimum of one reader per school. Schools bringing three or four teams must bring two readers/scorekeepers; schools bringing five or six teams must bring three readers/scorekeepers, etc. This also applies to the host school! Penalty fees are assessed by school, but vary by number of teams, i.e. a school with 3 teams and no reader pays $198 in penalty fees. Please do not make us have to enforce this rule! Note that “teams” of 1 student are exempt from having to bring a reader, and teams of 2 may be able to have this fee waived, but only if they email the Tournament Coordinator at least 5 days in advance, and the Tournament Coordinator explicitly allows it. Teams of 2 students should plan on bringing a reader or paying the penalty fee as well. Readers should also expect to read for the Bee rounds as well.

Team Rosters

While we will ask you for your team rosters and Bee participants ahead of time in order to calculate your entry fee more efficiently, you do not have to have your rosters finalized, nor do you have to specify which students are participating in the National History Bee or the National Qualifying Exams until the morning of the tournament.

Team Names

Teams do not need official school approval and are permitted to register using a pseudonym if this would help facilitate their participation. However, all teams must consist of students from the same school, even if the school is not sponsoring the team. The only exceptions to this are 1) our homeschool policy and 2) non-magnet and non-selective public high schools may have students from their feeder middle schools play together with their students on a team.


An official invoice and confirmation will be emailed to you upon submission. If you do not receive an immediate confirmation, please email to get confirmation. Payment must be made either via check (made payable to “International Academic Competitions”) or cash the day of the tournament OR by credit/debit card at the time of registration (which includes a 4% online processing fee). We do not accept payments sent by mail in advance of any regional/state tournament!


No one is ever turned away at a tournament for lack of payment, but if you haven’t paid your registration fees by the end of the event, there will be a 15% penalty charged to you, and you will not be allowed to participate in the next event until your balance is paid.

For any other questions pertaining to registration matters, contact