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The Tri-State History & Academic Bowl will be held on Saturday, May 4 at George Washington Middle School in Ridgewood, NJ. This tournament will use the D Set of questions for the History Bowl and the Academic Bowl Regional Set of questions for the Academic Bowl.
Please contact david@iacompetitions.com for further questions about this tournament.

Late registration fees and policies can be found here.

To register for this tournament, please fill out the form below, but please read through the following before registering:

1. This tournament will use the Academic Bowl Regional Set for the Academic Bowl, and the 2023-24 History Bowl D Set suitable for Middle and Elementary school play. This tournament is open to Middle and Elementary School students only who have not played both question sets.

2. It is required to participate in both the Academic Bowl and History Bowl – registering for just one or the other is not permitted.

3. For every two teams or fraction thereof that you register, you need to bring someone to help read the questions, and/or scorekeep or there is an extra $50 surcharge for each missing staffer (we use the surcharge to then hire additional outside staff). This applies to solo and two student teams as well. The staff member can be an older sibling (10th grade or older) as well as a parent, coach, grandparent, family friend, etc.

4. This tournament will feature two age divisions: Middle School (students in 8th grade and younger) and Intermediate (students in 6th grade and younger). Within each age division, we will also have different competitions for teams where all competing students attend the same school or homeschool association (Standard) and teams where students either attend two different schools / homeschool associations of any kind, or teams where all students attend all schools within the same school district (Open). To clarify, teams with students who attend 3 or more different schools are only permitted if all of these schools are within the same school district, but teams of students at two different schools are permitted to attend in any case. Please contact david@iacompetitions.com if you have questions about this rule.

5. Both events, History Bowl and Academic Bowl, are team events, but solo and two student teams are not only encouraged to play, but play for discounted rates.

6. There are also discounted rates for teams where all students on a team have registered for at least one Regional Finals of either the National History Bee, National Geography Bee, or National Science Bee. If you wish to take advantage of these rates, but don’t yet have all students registered for a tournament, first, make sure that all students have qualified through the Online Regional Qualifying Exams (sign up for a sponsor account at www.iac-exams.com to be able to give students the free ORQEs), and then register for the tournament(s) of your choice by clicking on the event you wish to attend here.

7. Up to 6 students can play together on a team, but only up to 4 players play at once. Unlimited substitutions are allowed during the quarter breaks and between rounds.

8. To qualify for Nationals in the History Bowl and Academic Bowl, teams must finish with at least a .500% winning percentage, or be in the top 50% of teams in their age division. Teams of students entirely in 5th grade and younger only need to finish in either the top 50% of the full intermediate division (including teams with students in 6th grade), or among the top 50% of teams with all students in 5th grade or younger. Teams can also qualify for Nationals by having at least one student compete in the National History Bee National Championships (for the History Bowl) or at least one student in any of the National History Bee, National Geography Bee, or National Science Bee for the Academic Bowl.

9. The cost schedule is as follows:

Full team: $90
Two-student team: $75
Solo-student team: $60

Full team with all team members participating in at least one IAC Regional Finals: $60
Two-student team with both team members participating in at least one IAC Regional Finals: $50
Solo-student team with student participating in at least one IAC Regional Finals: $40

Schedule of Events

Doors Open – 8:45 AM
Please arrive by this time! – 9:05 AM
Opening Meeting – 9:15 AM
Round 1 – History Bowl 9:35 AM
Round 2 – History Bowl 10:10 AM
Round 3 – History Bowl 10:45 AM
Round 4 – History Bowl 11:20 AM
Small Break – 11:50 AM
Round 5 – History Bowl 12:15 PM
Lunch / Finals – 12:50 PM
Round 1 – Academic Bowl 2:00 PM
Round 2 – Academic Bowl 2:35 PM
Round 3 – Academic Bowl 3:10 PM
Round 4 – Academic Bowl 3:45 PM
Small Break – 4:20 PM
Round 5 – Academic Bowl 4:40 PM
Finals – Academic Bowl 5:15 PM (all teams except those in the finals can depart at this time)
End – 5:45 PM

Teams Attending (* = Intermediate Division [i.e. all students in 6th grade or younger])

  1. Mt. Pleasant Middle School * (Open)
  2. Speyer Legacy / Avenues World School (Open)
  3. Primoris Academy A (Standard)
  4. Primoris Academy B * (Standard)
  5. Glen Ridge Middle School (Standard)
  6. Middlesex Middle School A (Standard)
  7. Middlesex Middle School B (Standard)
  8. Middlesex Middle School C (Standard)
  9. Middlesex Middle School D * (Standard)
  10. Middlesex Middle School E * (Standard)
  11. Eastchester Middle School A (Standard)
  12. Eastchester Middle School B * (Standard)


Registration is Closed for this event.